My favorite color green is the second phase of green...not summer green, which is kinda dark and waxy, but before that, when the leaves are still young and tender (but after they are yellowy). Mostly, I think, it's in oak trees. I saw an oak tree with that color on the way to work yesterday and braked because it was so beautiful. Fortunately, no one was behind me. I'm never the world's greatest driver, but I'm especially an unfortunate driver in the springtime, because I'm always seeing beautiful things and wanting to stop and look at them.
Roy finished up his weekend from hell (two sermons on Sunday and a final and an eight-page paper due Monday) but now he has to teach at basketball (tonight) and youth group (tomorrow), not to mention school-stuff. Maybe we'll get to do our taxes this week...I don't know. I don't know how he keeps that schedule...I'm going to be SO glad when school is finished!
Roy was also kind enough to let me sleep right next to him last night...even though I used to be a constant left-side sleeper, it's harder to stay on your left side when your body is not balanced like it used to be. And I have discovered (I knew this would happen, but I thought I still had a few weeks of regular life) that if I sleep on my back, my back hurts the whole day. So I'm trying to be a good side sleeper. Roy also brought me KFC yesterday. I think he wins the HUSBAND OF THE WEEK award! Cheers to Roy!
Okay. I'm going to post again later...I kinda have to work.
But first, here are the books I checked out from the library last Wednesday:
The Borrowed Alibi
Jackson's Dilemma (Iris Murdoch)
The Vanishing Senator
Mennyms in the Wilderness
Murder Must Advertise (Dorothy Sayers)
Ivanhoe (Sir Walter Scott)
Dragons in the Waters (Madeline L'engle)
Mary Poppins Opens the Door (P.L. Travers)
Vienna Prelude (Bodie Thoene <sp?>)
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
Sunset at Blandings (Wodehouse)
Darkness at Pemberly (T.H. White)
Sorry...I don't remember the authors for all of them. I have a scheme of getting the ones that have the library binding--you know, not with paper covers, so some of the authors are unfamiliar. Not all of them were like that, but most of them. I would also like to say I was astonished to find an endorsement by John Wayne (!) in the Thoene book! John Wayne-cheesy Christian fiction [that I thoroughly enjoyed, not for the first time]. Who knew?
Well, more on that later. I have to make tip sheets pretty so we can sell some books.
Emily (+ baby)
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