23 January 2010


I spent most of the day on my couch or in my bathroom, thanks to a stomach bug or food poisoning, but my house is definitely cleaner than it was this morning. I guess we either have housecleaning fairies or our household contains the World's Best Husband.

Also, Iris is in this fantastic (ish?) stage where we can just give her a piece of bread if she's hungry. Not that we do it all the time, but I wish I were content with just bread when I was hungry.

Also, props to Smoothie King's Angelfood smoothie for making me feel better and not worse. Purcell, if you read this, I always associate you with the Angelfood flavor.

Watch this space for other interesting information.

1 comment:

megumi said...

Housecleaning fairy = Roy? ;)

I love Smoothie King. Here in Peru, the equivalent is at the market. There's a row of women with their blenders. You either bring them your fruit, or point to the ones you want from their selection and they blend it right in front of you!

miss y'all!