06 November 2009

this is weird and sad

but my miscarriages have both happened on dear friends' birthdays.

Hello, bittersweet.

And, of course, un-incidentally, today was the day I had my d&c for
Beulah, our first lost-baby. I don't think that's the date of the
actual baby-loss, but it's the date I can remember. ...I almost wrote
more, but it seemed to get gratuitously poignant... but we do love all
our children. That is all.

1 comment:

Marty said...

I can totally relate. Here are people whose birthdays are on the anniversary of my dad's death:

Becca Farmer, Leigh Taylor, Aunt Patti, 2 friends from high school...and now page and joseph's wedding anniversary. Weird, huh??