22 August 2009

I'm now a twitterer

and I think Roy might be jumping on that train pretty soon.

It's kinda fun, but also annoying. I don't feel like I'm really cool
enough to be a twitterer, and I can't imagine being interesting enough
that some of the people who follow me will really benefit. I know
that some twitterers are businesses trying to establish relationships,
etc., but am I really going to say something that will benefit
Marshall Ramsey (who actually tweets so much that I'm about to stop
following him, I think)?

I mostly started on twitter so I could follow the Mississippi State
beat reporter (@kyleveazey, if you're interested), and then I found
other interesting people, starting with sports people (i'm following
shaq, chris paul, and michael strahan, and terrell owens), and then
some reformed folks/RUF folks, and some friends.

But there's so much _posturing_ in it--when people repeat nice things
other people have said about them, etc., etc., that I get really
annoyed, too. So, we'll see. I might stop following John Piper.

Anyway, I initially planned on merely following and not "tweeting" at
all, but now I do from time to time. But I try to only say things that
are interesting or beautiful.

So there.

If you are a twitterer and would like to follow me, I'm emilyjanehubb.

(I hate all their madeup language, with the @s and the RT and the #)...

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