17 February 2009

I Love Joaquin Phoenix and David Letterman For Making This Happen


Thanks Will for telling me about Letterman's interview with Joaquin Phoenix.  I've re-watched it over and over and have just been continuing to study it while laughing hysterically.  What are y'all's thoughts?


megumi said...

I think it's a joke. Joaquin at several points seemed to try to hold back a smile, and would make some smart comment.

Roy L said...

I don't think he is joking at all...I think the interview just started off on the wrong foot and then he was just being weird the whole time to spite Letterman. Time did an article about the top 10 disastrous interviews
http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1879231_1879160_1879125,00.html - these are equally amazingly bizarre